Personal series of illustrations of various animals characters. 2016-… 馃檪
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Animals & co.
The series of illustration prepared for promotional and identyficational purpose for the platform kid. The drawings are used to promote the service in web (www/Facebook/Instagram) and also on the printed materials. They were adopted with enthusiasm by the youngest customers. Also during the 4th edition of Wawa Design Festiwal we organized silkscreen workshops of which I have been originator. They were hosted by and Aga Brwi. Children and their parents had chance to print by themselves my illustrations onto the paper or any kind of material. It was such a success that the workshops had second edition during the Long live paper! festiwal held by Zwyk艂e 呕ycie magazine. 2016. Seria ilustracji przygotowana na potrzeby identyfikacji strony dziecko. Rysunki te s膮 wykorzystywane zar贸wno do promocji platformy w sieci jak r贸wnie偶 na materia艂ach drukowanych. Ciep艂o przyj臋te przez najm艂odszych klient贸w serwisu. W trakcie czwartej edycji Wawa Design Festiwal mia艂y miejsce warsztaty sitodruku, kt贸rych by艂am pomys艂odawczyni膮 馃檪 Organizowane zosta艂y przez i Ag臋 Brwi. W trakcie wydarzenia dzieci i rodzice mogli przenosi膰 moje ilustracje na r贸偶norodne pod艂o偶a papierowe i materia艂owe. Pomys艂 spotka艂 si臋 z tak du偶ym entuzjazmem ze strony odbiorc贸w, 偶e wsp贸lnie postanowili艣my je powt贸rzy膰 podczas drugiej edycji festiwalu Niech 偶yje […]
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For the autumn winter 2016|2017 ox_ wear season I prepared two versions of pattern for kids and one for mums. The inspiration for me was the winter forest with severe flora and sweet white panthers. Apart from the pattern design I made accessories for the photoshoot (hand painted masks) and project of the embroided badge. This collection has been selected as one of 10 best for AW season by 艁adnebebe ” for consequency and winter illustrations by Gravika.” Na sezon jesienno-zimowy 2016|2017 mia艂am przyjemno艣膰 przygotowa膰 dla ox_wear dwie wersje nadruku na odzie偶 dzieci臋c膮 i jeden nadruk przeznaczony na tkaniny kolekcji damskiej. Poza zaprojektowaniem wzor贸w na tkaniny, wykona艂am r贸wnie偶 akcesoria do sesji dzieci臋cej (r臋cznie malowane maski) i projekt naszywki na bomberki i plecaki dzieci臋ce. Kolekcja zosta艂a wyr贸偶niona jako jedna z 10 najlepszych na sezon jesie艅/zima przez 艁adnebebe za ” konsekwencje i mro藕ne illustracje Graviki.” client:: ox_wear illustration & design:: Gravika KIDS photos:: Paulina Kania style:: Anastazja Borowska models:: Pola, Hania, Jurek ADULT fot. Paulina Kania model. Joasia Grz GAGAMODELS makeup. Karolina Zgo艂a styl. MODELOVE
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This project was nominated by KTR in 2017 contest in the field of ILLUSTRATION. A series of illustration, pattern designs,embroideries, prints and promotional materials for ox_wear brand. The name of the collection is IKAGAI taken from Japanese. It means the secret of a long and happy life. client:: ox_wear illustration:: Gravika photos:: Paulina Kania Photography style:: Modelove makeup:: Karolina Zgo艂a set design:: Ula Kaczmarek
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The pattern design prepared for ox_wear spring|summer 2016 collection. I wanted it to be light, playful with strong summer vibe. That’s why I decided to make it more like watercoloure style with delicate, unobvious colour palette, but still in the spirit of sea stories. client:: ox_wear idea | topic of the collection:: Aleksandra Lipska illustration & design:: Gravika photos:: Paulina Kania style:: Anastazja Borowska packshots:: Photo Product
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